The Phalane family was struck by an unspeakable tragedy on May 11, 2024, as they experienced the unthinkable loss of their beloved son, Ditebogo Junior, in a hijacking incident in Soshanguve Block UU. What began as an ordinary day turned into a nightmare when Ditebogo Phalane was hijacked, resulting in the theft of his Toyota Hilux bakkie, and tragically, the fatal shooting of his 5-year-old son, Ditebogo Junior.
The heart-wrenching incident has left the Phalane family shattered, grappling with the incomprehensible pain of losing a young life. Their grief is compounded by the senselessness of the violence that claimed their precious child. In the wake of this devastating loss, the family is turning to the community for assistance in the investigation, hoping for justice to be served and for those responsible to be held accountable.
Amidst their grief, the Phalane family expresses gratitude for the outpouring of support they have received from the community. They acknowledge the solidarity and kindness extended to them during this harrowing time and are deeply appreciative of every gesture of compassion and assistance offered.
In their plea for assistance, the family emphasizes the importance of privacy as they navigate through the anguish and trauma of their loss. They urge the community to respect their need for space and time to mourn their beloved Ditebogo Junior, whose life was tragically cut short…..S££ MOR£
Source: MDN NEWS
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