Here’s Connection And Open Ways Ritual And To Remove Evil Mask On Your Face

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Just get sea salt or normal salt and Early morning urine.

Wake up by 6am before talking to anyone, get urine in a white glass cup, add one and half spoon of sea salt

Make sure you shake it together to the extent that the salt will dissolve .

Me (YOUR FULL NAME)as from today I will connect with my benefactor, helpers, e.t.c

If rain is falling both man and woman will see it,

If moon is lighting both man and woman will see it, young and adults will benefit from it.

If star is shining both man and woman will see it young and adults will benefit from it .

If sun is brighting both male and female will see it, both adults and young will benefit from it.

As from today hence forth both man and woman, young and adults must come to my aid,,,The must use what they have to bring me up .

Then use the urine to wash your face before going out.

What you don’t know is bigger than you.

This process removes cobwebs from your face
It removes evil mask from your face
It helps revel your true nature or beauty that was hidden by any evil manipulation……Seê _ Morê

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