If You Are Among The People That Aren’t Up To 45-50 But Your Menstruation Just Ceased, Here’s Natural Remedy For You

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If you aren’t menstruation how can u give birth?

Sometimes it is done by evil people to stop u from having children or to make you to spend heavily on seeking solutions and if you have checked and it’s not spiritual then get these

Alligator pepper

Wash and scrape the back of the ginger and deshell the garlic and cut it to pieces add enough cloves to it and deshell the alligator pepper and add the whole of it, soak or blend all the ingredients and allow to ferment for 3 days..

After the 3rd day then drink a glass cup of it first in the morning on empty stomach and last thing in the night and continue until u exhaust it and even if your menstruation has started continue until you exhaust it……Seê _ Morê

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