Nigerians Should Leave Politicians Alone; They Didn’t Do Anything To You, You Are Jealous Of Them Because Your Father Is Not In The Position They Are -VDM Says
I see some people asking me to go after the politicians. So, you want me to go after the politicians when you have tribalized everything in Nigeria? I go after people who scammed some Nigerians, and you say I like bringing people down. I go after Blord, who scammed many Nigerians, especially Ndígbo who lost their money in his app, and you say I like fighting against Ndígbo. Now you want me to go after politicians?
You people are not ready for change in this country, and you are planning a protest. I guess you are joking. Whenever you are ready, we will know. The truth is, you are jealous of politicians because they are not your fathers. If they were your fathers, you would not complain. You are only jealous because your father is not there. Politicians are not our problem in Nigeria.
Whenever you are ready for change in this country, we will know. For now, you are joking. All you are trying to do is bring politicians down to your own level. They are stealing from Nigeria, but none of them are stealing from you directly. So leave them alone. When you are ready, we will sanitize Nigeria, including the politicians. But for now, you choose tribes over making our society good. VDM concluded……Seê _ Morê
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