Say Your Wish Before Going To Work With This Miracle Leaf

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Get me one fresh leaf of odaa opuo

Then make sure you are set already to go out or to talk to your business partner on phone or about to go to work or best place known to you.

Put seeds of alligator pepper in your mouth so it’s can be powerful when you are decreeing your heart desires or your wish

Now as the seeds of alligator pepper is in your mouth

Hold the oda opuo leaf on your hands ” put 4 seeds of ose oji ontop of the leafs and bring it closer to your mouth and say your wish as you are going out after saying your wish

You spash away that ose oji in your mouth through air then you fold that oda opuo added with that ose oji and chew it

If you like you can support it with a little hot drink

Do it whenever you feel like without no doubt and see the power of Nature

Use it to cleanse your hands by washing your hands with oda opuo and one seed of alligator pepper without water….Seê _ Morê

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