Just like the name sounds and mean, it is peaceful way of been at peace with the spiritual Husband or wife, this process involved invitation of someone’s chi, his/her ancestors, Nne Ana, Nne Oshimiri (if the person is a marinner) if not, invitation of the arch angel of the person’s market energy, finally invitation of the person’s Spiritual spouse, he or she will come with his own people, if you have Spiritual eye, you will see them coming one after another or in twos…
Then in the presence of Nne Ajana, a round table discussion will take place, dialogue will take place after when the spiritualist must have offered them nzu and kolanut, the spiritualist been the mediator, will welcome them all and present the reason why he or she surmoned them rather invited them, which is peaceful reunion and agreement between so so so person and the Spiritual spouse, he or she will mention the full name of there person, the parents name, the kindred name, town and state.
The person will now present the items which is Spiritual items signifies, peace and love, live stock, fowl or goat, depends on the one Afa revealed that the spiritual spouse will accept . Then he or she will say the right words which the spiritualist must have told him or her on how to present it. What you said that place matters alot, because that is what you will be seeing.. if you tell him that you came for peace, you will get peace, if you say that you want war.. hmmmm you will be getting war..
So choose your words wisely. Then go on and tell him or her not to come for sex that it do spoiling things for you, that you people can stay and gist but please no sex but you will be keeping your market day holy for him or her. He will accept.. this is the agreement, 2 of you will understood yourselves and there will be peace.
The spiritualist will now use his or her ofor to seal the agreement after he or she must have soft talk to the Spiritual spouse and plead that peace reign, the other entities of the spirits there are witnesses and will see to the peacefulness from that day on including the spiritualist Ora muo too
Note: after that ritual and the spiritual spouse do come to the person once in a while, don’t disturb yourself, it won’t be causing trouble again because they are now at peace, atimes it will be to deliver blessings or protection but some will not even come for sex again, you will only notice that you gist with someone and he or she left or offer you gift
Consequences of ikwuchigha nga and using herbs and incision to chase them away is the worst mistake because the spirit will now hate the person and will stop protecting and showing favour and things will become worst, no amount of prayers will make things right, the sufferness will become worst. If you know anyone who did Spiritual spouse seperation, ask him or her how far. You will see that it’s worst.
Peaceful agreement is the best because it is very peaceful and that is how our fore father’s handles this kind of Spiritual matters, it is the greedy ones and un-understood of Spiritual spouse and how it was instituted makes people start using Divorce and seperation but it’s not working, it’s very dangerous..
Make Peace and ask him or her for any favour and see it come to pass as fast as you don’t imagine. Protection is 80% sure.. so go for peaseful agreement.. I did peaceful agreement and it works 100%, I had peace all round, his protection and favour is massive, the Reformation is overwhelming, before then I nearly had a stressful marriage and hatred from people I did nothing but immediately after that ritual. Everything went back to normal till date and still counting.
Peaceful agreement ritual can be done while the person is absent, but that person will use kolanut to communicate his or her chi, ndi Ichie and his or her ndi otu, a day before the day of the ritual so that he or she can connect very well.
For seperation or divorce, the person must be present, because he or she must use his or her mouth to say that he don’t want the marriage or connection any more, before the spiritualist can come to finalise it.
Note: Some over jelouse Spiritual spouse do come out physical, as human being, yes but it is very rear.. if you see him or her you will know. You don’t need to go to Afa to know, something mysterious will happen which will make you know that you have this Spiritual connection with that person. it is rear not rampant…..Seê _ Morê
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