See Where The Spiritual Husband And Wife Used To Come From And Why You Should Be More Careful With Ngene River goddess In Igbo Land

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Ngene is a male energy of rivers , so Ngene river is where Spiritual husbands do emerge from, Ngene river is spring water not big ocean but a water coming out from a rock filled with stones, atims with white chalk (nzu), the nzu from this river cures stomach problems, now there is something mysterious about Ngene river..

The Marine Spirit in Ngene river are Alusi mmiri, ndi Ichie mmiri and mostly male Mariners and few female Mariners that came from that river, majority of this female from this Ngene river finds it difficult to bear children because they share same level of male Spiritual bodies… They are been seen as men and Spiritually they are men.. so getting pregnant is always a tog of war. They are mostly this Ezenwanyi you do see Without ecperiencing child bearing and they are old.. do not joke with them oooo.. their Spiritual powers are massive…. It’s not their fault, they are not witch but Ife so ha bia uwa…

A male dibia will bring Ngene mmiri home but a female dibia can not because the entities of Spirits in that river is male energy and she doesn’t have what it takes to bring them home or keep them one place because, they follows you everywhere you go, protecting you, just call upon them with oji Ugo, nzu ndi Ichie and mmanya oku, they will answer..

Your spiritual Husband that emerged from your Ngene mmiri follows you everywhere you go, you can recognize him and give him a place in your Spiritual chamber for Respect but he follows you every where.. ndi Ichie mmiri and Alusi mmiri gets feed back about you through your Spiritual husband, so you can not bring Ngene mmiri home as a female dibia or Onye owu mmiri Nwanyi.. if you go on to bring them home, they can not stay there, you will just set alter in vain, they will always visit you when ever they want or when you called them..


2 years ago when Eyee river (My Ngene Mmiri) from my maternal home called me to pay homeage, I payed homeage, brought the water home but never instituted alter for them, I was only using the water for healing and drinking or igo ofor atimes then by December last year, I visited them for my annual thanks giving, and I brought the water home and I informed them that I will set alter for them in my Spiritual chamber, I use oji to do Afa asking them their opinion there in the river, they said no, that I shouldn’t, I asked again they still said no that I am not worthy to take them home, so I felt that it is because I did not come with live stock then I promised them that I will kill live stock for them after Instituting the alter, that I will use the live stock to welcome them..

Your sister went home, doo ala ndi mmiri, raised the alter with a brand new ite ajah,after 4 days, the water dried, I used cement to cover the pot, pour another water, it dried off again, infact it dried off in my presence after applying the cement.. I asked them what the problem is, they told me that I can not keep them one place that they move around with me, secondly that a female dosen’t keep Ngene mmiri same way female dosen’t eat anything sacrificed to Ngene ndi Ichie because they are Alusi mmiri and ndichie mmiri, that the part of the Alusi mmiri is the Spirit that do protect the female dibias and ndi owu mmiri ga and that spirit do follow them around even while sleeping, that they can’t be kept one place.. but the spirit seen as the Spiritual Husband can be raised an alter for in the spiritual chamber, that it is for respect and recognition but ndi ichie mmiri and Alusi mmiri can not be raised alter for, by a woman…

They also told me that a female dibia or Onye owu mmiri should set alter for her ndi otu which is the river in the village of where she reincanated from because it is her river of origin, where her ndi iyi uwa are, where her ndi otu are, she can bring the River Goddess of that river home but can not bring the Ngene mmiri home but should always call them during igo ofor and should always pay homeage to them atleast 2 times in a year…

Same with bringing male deities home, as a woman, please do not go and bring male deities in your village home, you can not handle it, it is for male dibias… It get why..


In my father’s and mother’s land, we have 4 maijor deities, 2 are male energies and the other 2 are female energies.

Ala-Elugwu (Nna)
Achihi (Nne)
Ishiogba (Nwa Nwanyi)
Okekparakpara (Nwa Nwoke)

Ala-Elugwu and Achihi is in my Father’s and mother’s maternal home

Ishiogba is in my maternal home

Okekparakpara is in my paternal home.

Listen… On no account should i think of bringing Ala-Elugwu and Okekparakpara into my Spiritual chamber, because they are male deities, I can only pay homeage to them through their chief priest…

Ishiogba is the Spirit that called me, she is Ogwugwu, (Nne Oshimiri) Alusi nweru mmiri… It is a must that I should bring her into my Spiritual chamber because every other Ancestral spirit that follows me came through her.

I may choose to bring Nne Achihi home or not because she is not the direct spirit that called me but her daughter, but it is a must that I pay her homeage and atimes, invite her and speak with her or offer her something and anything I requested from her must be granted…..Seê _ Morê

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