According To Bible The Following People Won’t See Heaven

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Some people say even the Bible contradict itself, it will guide you to do certain things then along the run advice you that doing what it earlier guided you through is actually a sin. In reality that is not true, the book of faith needs understanding and to not take everything in it literally but seriously – with understanding, again.

If you study the black book carefully you will understand that they following mentioned people will not see heaven.

• Those who slept with woman on their dates.

• Those who committed adultery.

• Gays.

• Lesbians.

• The divorce married.

• The civil married.

• Those who slander others.

• Those who fell pregnant before marriage.

• Those who had sex before marriage.

• Those who use birth control methods.

• Those who consult witches.

It doesn’t end there. The Bible is against many things that we are doing these days. The list goes on and on. The following are included on the list:

• Those who make idols and raise statues monuments.

• Transgender people.

• Homoparent families.

• Those who don’t recognize children.

• Those who practice sorcery.

• Those who gamble.

• Those who swear.

• Those who lie.

• Those who kill.

• Those who revenge.

• Those who hate.

• Those who have sex for non reproduction purpose.

• Those who cut the edges of their beard.

• Those who have tattoos.

• Those who don’t stand up to the elderly<<Continue Reading>>>


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