See How To Call On Mother Earth To Manifest Your Prayers Quickly Using Your Tears

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Most times in life, when everything seems dark, blocked and uneasy to understand what is happening around you, When prayers don’t work, Directions don’t work, And it feels like God has closed every doors against you. Then this direction is for you…

1. locate a quiet place, get so emotional make sure you’re alone, Then REMEMBER how well you’ve SUFFERED in life, REMEMBER how broken you’ve been, REMEMBER how people have mistreated you even when you treated them the best, REMEMBER that which you’ve been praying for & asking God for that has not manifested in your life yet, Get so EMOTIONAL about it & allow your TEARS drop from your cheek.

When this happens, wipe your tears and rub it on the ground, whiles saying and declaring that mother earth should come through for you. Then the magic happens, Whatever you prayed for, you will be shocked and surprised how fast mother earth will manifest it into reality…..Seê _ Morê


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