If No Man Has Ever Asked For Your Hand In Marriage Use This Fennel 21 Seeds To Wash Your Face For 21 Days

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This is fennel seed, these are mostly some ingredients we see in our kitchen and we don’t know that spiritually it’s powerful.

Fennel can unmask your face if you noticed you are wearing evil mask, wash your face with 10 pieces of this seeds to unmask your face.

If you don’t receive favour from both men and women use this fennel 7 pieces every morning for 7 days.

If no man has ever asked for your hand in marriage use this fennel 21 seeds to wash your face for 21 days..

If you don’t see customers in ur shop, put fennel seed overnight and use it to spray in your shop in the morning before greeting anybody then use 4 pieces to wash your face before going to shop..

You will see the wonders of this small but mighty seed, don’t boil it<<Continue Reading>>>

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