This Leaf Is Everywhere And Has A Lot Of Spiritual And Health Benefit But Some Doesn’t Take It Serious

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It’s (ahighara)in Igbo (iji te leaves)

Spiritual benefits

It is used as natural cleansing agent and used in doing call money package.

It can be used to settle conflicts between lovers as it can bring lost love back..

It’s also used to do akonoholi work for someone that has wanderer spirit(wayward spirit)

Bury a coin with Ijite leaves in a compound where there is always disagreement and quarrel and peace will return..

It is used for fortification.

Health benefits

It strengthens the bones

Help regulate blood pressure

Help pregnant women deliver successfully and smoothly

It helps prevent asthma and asthma attacks totally..

It cures decentry and tumor

Make a tea from the dry leaves and cure chronic ulcer..

It helps boost sperm and ovulation…..Seê _ Morê

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