If You Wake Up Between 3am To 5am This Is What It Means And Should Start Praying About It

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If you really pay attention to when you go to sleep and when you wake up, you will be able to figure out when you really wake up.

People often wake up between 3 and 5 in the morning without setting an alarm. If you are one of these people, don’t try to force yourself to sleep. When your mind wakes up more often around this time, you should know that there’s a reason for that.

Everything has a reason for happening. Some people say that 3 a.m. is a scary time when all kinds of bad things happen. I don’t know if that’s true, but 3 a.m. is a powerful time when strange things happen, especially in our bodies and brains. I’d say it’s a magic hour. I’m not talking about black magic. Magic is part of what makes us human.

But waking up at this time more often could mean more than just running out of sleep because of stress or going to bed too early. One is that the person has a higher frequency and is more spiritually awake. This is the busiest time of day for spiritual beings like angels and ancestors, so when your frequency is high, you may be able to see signs from beyond this world. Some people don’t even realize it, but they naturally have higher vibrations.

So the reason you’ll wake up at 3 a.m., also known as the “spiritual hour” or “magic hour,” is that God wants to talk to you. No matter what you believe, your ancestors, angels, or God all want to tell you something.

This is mostly for artists and other creative people. The ones who can find creativity in everything, every day, Artists like writers, musicians, and others But 3 am?

Angels, ancestors, and God chose you to pass on a message. They want to give you something to pass on through your creativity, and what better time than now? when there is peace and quiet and your mind is clear and rested. Now is the best time to meditate and make things happen.

Just know that out of all the people who wake up at this time, you are the one who is meant to get the message. But when I woke up, nothing had changed. Well, you don’t just wake up and get things. Here’s what you do:

Get up and put both feet on the ground.

This is called “grounding,” and it physically wakes you up and grounds your energy all the way up your spine. That way, you are sending a signal.

Sit up straight with your back straight and your palms up to show you’re ready to receive. When you sit up straight, your whole body, from your feet to your head, is in line.

Slowly inhale and exhale, calm your mind, and feel how you feel right now. The universe is trying to tell us something, but it is not using words.

Get a notepad right away and start writing. You can write or draw anything that comes to mind. Just keep doing what your mind tells you to do.

If you’re having problems in your life, this might be a good time, because that’s where you’ll find the answers to how to solve them. It’s time to ask the most important question.

Some people use this time to pray and ask for whatever they want. Do what works for you, but know that this is when God wants to talk to you. Just talk to him in whatever way makes you feel most at ease<<Continue Reading>>>


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