How Did Boko Haram Get The Anti-aircraft Gun They Are Using To Train Bandits In The North West?

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  1. With each attack on Nigerians, the Boko Haram extremists have tormented the country and proven that they want to bring it down. After ISWAP fighters surrounded him this year, their leader, Abubakar Shekau, committed suicide. He saw it as his only option because he couldn’t risk going to jail.

One would assume that after his death, the deadly organization would disband, but they are still determined to carry on his legacy.

Two commanders and 250 militants from a faction loyal to slain Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, based in Borno State, were dispatched to the Rijana jungles in Kaduna State, military sources told AFP on Friday.

Both commanders are associates of Bakoura Buduma, a Boko Haram leader who remains loyal to Shekau and whose soldiers are fighting ISWAP consolidation, according to security sources. According to recent reports, Boko Haram members are also instructing bandits in the North West on how to utilize heavy weapons and explosives.

The main question now is how they got anti-aircraft weapons and what could be their purpose with them?

First of all, the ability of an anti-aircraft gun is able to nullify and dissolve the attacks from airborne weapons launched from aircraft. In other words, it is a heavy weapon which is very handy against missile aircraft. Lately, we know the Nigerian army is launching missiles towards the direction of Boko Haram hideouts and destroying them. It may be that the purpose of Boko Haram training bandits on how to use the weapons is to prevent further cases just like that from happening in the future.

In another case, how did Boko Haram get their hands on such a deadly weapon? In a country like Nigeria, where it is illegal for a common citizen to even get their hands on a pistol, how then were the Boko Haram fighters able to acquire one?

There may be a slight possibility that it was seized from the Nigerian army during one of their encounters because it wouldn’t be a new thing. Boko Haram had seized many weapons in the past belonging to the Nigerian army. This one may be one of them, which they had safely hidden away up until now.

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Do you believe it was seized by the Nigerian army or is there another explanation for their having such a weapon? Tell me your opinion below……….See More

Source: Naija News

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