Man was disheartened after Wizkid was seen showing massive support to the likes of Ayra Starr and Tems but not to his signed artist Terri

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Man felt very sad when he saw Wizkid, a famous Nigerian singer, giving a lot of support to other musicians like Ayra Starr and Tems but not to his own artist, Terri. Ayra Starr and Tems are becoming very popular, and Wizkid often talks about them and praises them on his social media. This helps them gain more fans and become more successful.

However, Terri, who is signed to Wizkid’s music label, does not get the same attention. Wizkid rarely mentions Terri or promotes his music. This makes people wonder why Wizkid is not supporting his own artist as much as he supports others. Many fans believe that Terri is very talented and deserves more help from Wizkid to become successful too.

The situation shows how important it is for musicians to get support from their record labels. When a big star like Wizkid promotes someone, it can make a huge difference in their career. Fans are worried that without this support, Terri might not reach his full potential.

People hope that Wizkid will start to support Terri more. They believe that Terri can become very successful if he gets the same kind of help that Ayra Starr and Tems are getting…..Çheck More

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