See How Ancient Africans Used to Check Time Before Clocks and Watches

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Before there were clocks and watches, ancient Africans had many clever ways to tell the time. Here’s how they did it:

Watching the Sun

The sun was a big, bright clock in the sky. By looking at where the sun was, they could figure out what time of day it was. For example, when the sun was high in the sky, it was midday. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon, the sun would be lower. In places like ancient Egypt, they even built special stones and markers, like at Nabta Playa, to help track the sun’s position and know the time.

Using Shadows

Shadows were another way to tell time. When the sun shines on something, it makes a shadow. By watching how the shadow changes length and direction during the day, people could tell what time it was. They might stick a stick in the ground and see how its shadow moved. This simple method worked like a basic sundial.

Following the Moon

The moon was useful for tracking longer periods of time, like weeks and months. Different phases of the moon, from new moon to full moon, helped people know how many days had passed. This was important for farming, as they could plan when to plant and harvest crops. For example, the Dogon people of Mali used the moon to make a calendar for their farming activities.

Looking at the Stars

Stars and constellations in the night sky were also used to tell time, especially during the night or to know the seasons. Some stars are only visible at certain times of the year. For instance, ancient Egyptians watched the star Sirius. When Sirius appeared just before sunrise, it meant the Nile River would soon flood, which was important for their farming.

Using Simple Devices

In some places, people invented simple tools to measure time. One such tool was a water clock, where water dripped from one container to another at a steady rate. By measuring how much water had moved, they could tell how much time had passed…..Fínd Out Móre

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