If Someone Is Owing You And Refuse To Pay You Back Or Are You Having Court Case, Do This And Thank Me Later

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Many people don’t know but akpu/cassava is a deity and a strong one that’s why many strong spiritualist don’t eat anything from akpu In Igboland.

I don’t eat cassava

If someone is owing you and refuse to pay you back or are you having court case or problems with people ”

items you need is niddle /pin

make sure you know the full name of that person

visit the cassava leafs ” when you get there you remove your slippers and begin to Greet the leafs then tell the leafs what you want then after ” you mentioned the full name of that person 7 times then pin it at the cassava root from the head up then you make incantations calling that person’s name and say ” anywhere that you are ” you will never rest until you pay me my money or you will never have peace of mind until you pay me my money ” morning, afternoon, evening, night you will not have peace until you pay me my money

” before 4 days he or she will call you or they face the anger of the spirits

for those who have court case ” or for those who their siblings are in prison or for those who always have problems with people

Vist the cassava leaf with native egg ” kolanut ” native white chalk nzu na edo

When you get there you remove your slippers and Greet the leafs then say what you want then drop your items under the root of the cassava leafs

Then tell the leafs that you want to plug it and do something ” tell the leaf s what you want to use it to do

Then plug it and be smashing it together with your hands and be making incantations ” say what is bordering you, while squeezing the water, bath with the water, you will watch everything work in your favour…..Seê _ Morê


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