If You Think That Jesus Death Is Not A Real Sacrifice Because He Knew He Would Be Resurrected, Read This

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Jesus’ sacrifice means he gave up his life for others. But if he knew he would come back to life, did he really sacrifice anything? Let’s think about it simply.

Imagine you have a favorite toy. You love it very much. Now, someone asks if they can borrow it, but they promise to give it back to you in a few days, and they’ll even make it look better than before. Would you lend it to them? Probably yes, because you know you’ll get it back, and maybe even improved.

Now, let’s think about Jesus. He knew he would die, but he also knew he would come back to life. Some people might say, “Well, that’s not a sacrifice then, because he knew everything would be okay in the end.” But here’s where it gets a bit deeper.

Imagine if lending your favorite toy meant you had to go through a lot of pain. Maybe you had to get hurt or feel very sad. Even if you knew you would get your toy back, going through that pain would still be hard, right? That’s similar to what Jesus went through.

Jesus knew he would be hurt, physically and emotionally. He knew he would feel very sad and lonely. Even though he knew he would come back to life, going through all that pain was still a huge sacrifice. It’s like saying, “I’ll do this hard thing because I love you and want to help you, even if it means I have to suffer.”

Another important thing to remember is that Jesus’ sacrifice wasn’t just about his death. It was also about what his death meant for others. Christians believe Jesus’ death was a way to save people from their mistakes and bring them closer to God. So, even though Jesus knew he would be okay in the end, his sacrifice was still very real because it was for the good of others…..Seê _ Morê


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