See The Living Deities/Oracles In Your Life

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This living deities and oracles I am taking about are

Your Father

This people has alot of spirits inside of them that made them not ordinary human being when it comes to you… Fathers are deities of their own, Mothers are deities of their own, nature dwell completely inside of them.. same with that man and woman you are exchanging your energy with sealed with oath.. hmmmmm to a certain level, their control what happened around you. (Your husband or wife)

When your father used the male energy of creations puts in his body by nature and make it possible to make you come fort through your mother’s womb, it is a very mysterious processes.. the womb that nurtured you till birth is an oracle, not just ordinary person to you that is why he/she will say something on your head and it will happen be it good or bad but it’s always encouraging that they keep saying the good…

So this living deities, do pay homeage to them to.. offer them things, gift them, honour both in life and death, even when they gone, their spirits still moves around you…

A husband or wife that loves you so pure will go any mile to make you prosper and what will make his or her love so pure to you is the way you treat him or her… such a spouse will never depart from you even in death, atimes you will notice his or her presence the way you do notice your Ezumezu around you.. if there is a particular fragrance perfume he or she usually wear, you will be perceiving it atimes… He or she came around.. atimes they can occupy another living thing body to be able to reach you.

Your late mother or father, wife or husband can occupy a body of another weaker soul to reach you or occupy a body of dog or another animal closer to human to save you or be closer to you for a short period of time..

So while they are living, honour them, make them happy, respect them, see them as your first prorieties in your life, they will go miles to see you happy and prosperous….Seê _ Morê

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