We Have Bring The Solution To Spiritual Arrow, Catapult And Vomiting Of Blood

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Spiritual arrows can be shot to a victim, and meet the target anywhere, anytime. There are many types of spiritual arrows;

1. *Gun version* —- in this, image/photo of the victim is shot with a gun after some preparations.

2. *Bloody arrow;* in this, the victim’s name and some other personal items of the victim are used, and he will begin to vomit blood physically, until he dies. 3.

*Arrow of shouting/voice;* in this, the victim will shout from his dream and his voice will be heard physically or he might answer his name by saying ”

*YES*” and the caller will not be seen. After the shouting, he might be unfortunate for the rest of his life or die soon as a result of sickness. To avoid all these problems, or to protect yourself from being happened, I’m here to give you a real spiritual solution.


(odidi atare meji)

(igba aya ijapa meji)

*PREPARATION:* Burn and grind all the items together to become a fine powder.

*USAGE:* Be fetching from the powder and be mixing it up with *solid-pap/ agidi* ( eko elewe) for drinking. Either you have been affected or not to be affected (protection), use this remedy……Seê _ Morê

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