3 Reasons Why God May Allow You To Suffer

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Sometimes the world can be cruel to you, and horrible things you are not able to control can occur. You could be marvelling if God is blind to what is happening because awful things seem to be growing worse day by day. These are only a few of the justifications for why God enables terrible things to prevail over us.

1. It Can Be His Will- Accordingly, people who are hurting and being mistreated for God’s purpose ought to do things with clean hearts and purify their souls to be trustworthy. Since it is in God’s will, disastrous things may occur. God had permitted you to face difficulties because it was in His wish that He do so. It took a lot of conviction for a person to state that he had previously “listened” to God, but that he had now certainly moved backwards. In the end, he thrived and increased in value despite the drawbacks.

Biblical Job was a faithful man but God allowed Satan to inflict suffering in his life. He lost all his belongings including his children, and his health became worst due to skin disease. Though he went through that, he still maintain his faithfulness in God.

2. We humans can grow and lose touch. God may allow unpleasant things to happen to you to gain you back. After that, you’ll only understand that God is your as-it-were belief and helps you to use something bad to come back to him, not because he’s desperate for you but because he loves you and needs to assist you. He is skilled at letting terrible things happen to you to teach you; the Bible teaches that He helps and loves the people He esteems.

God make Israelites suffer after worshipping calf idols. He punished them until they repent and asked for forgiveness from God.

3. To bring you up- God set up David properly at different stages of his life. How did he become a King? David developed his fighting abilities by fending off a series of assaults from Saul and other men. As a result, he became a warrior. He did defeat Goliath and killed a lion and a bear. David never lost a fight and evolved into the most feared king of his day……S££ MOR£

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