Biblical Truth About Ancestors Every Christian Should Know

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Every Christian should know these Bible facts about ancestors:

This article talks about what the word “ancestor” really means and if it’s true that ancestors can be called evil spirits or demons. This question has different answers.

“Lord,” “Messiah,” “Teacher,” and “Son of man” are some of the names Christians use to talk to or address Jesus Christ. People from the time of Jesus Christ also used these names. Others use them because that’s how they were taught to talk about or to him. People call Jesus Christ all of these different names, depending on how well they know, trust, and believe in him.

Let’s talk about ancentral spirits now.

Ancestral spirits, high gods, and other nonhuman spirits were often contacted in dreams and while spirit mediums were in a trance. They told people what caused diseases, deaths, and other bad things to happen, and sometimes they gave people new medicines or ways to solve hard problems.

Ancestors are not in some way like gods. Ancestors worship God with their descendants. As people who stand between God and people, ancestors don’t have the power to save people. Ancestors stay in touch with their offspring for a long time.

Ancestors get some kind of supernatural power just by being alive. This is because of how people in Africa see the world—as dynamic and full of spirits. Ancestors’ spirits are not just impersonal forces that rule over a holy place. Ancestors and descendants have a personal connection. People can sometimes ask their ancestors for help with personal problems. The same ancestors can bring good luck and harm to people who don’t honor them.

Many cultures all over the world honor their ancestors. This could include:

The belief that worshipping ancestral spirits with gifts, offerings, and sacrifices can change the future, bring good luck, and protect living relatives and future generations.

Most of the time, the relationship between an ancestor and a descendant on earth is like that of a parent and child. Children see their parents and grandparents as the people who came before them.

Many cultures all over the world honor their ancestors. This could include:

The idea that worshiping ancestral spirits with gifts, offerings, and sacrifices can change the future, bring good luck, and protect living relatives and future generations.

But the Bible says that only Jesus Christ stands between living people and God (John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5–6; Hebrews 8:6; 9:15; 12:24). The Bible also says that when people die, they go to heaven or hell, but they don’t come back to this world (Luke 16:19–31; 2 Corinthians 5:6; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11–15).

Jesus Christ works on behalf of those who believe in Him and have put their faith in Him (Acts 26:23; Romans 1:2–5; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 1:3–4).

God says we can’t worship anyone or anything else. It’s fine to remember our ancestors, but the Bible makes it clear that we shouldn’t worship them or think they can be a link between us and God or a god to us…..S££ MOR£

S££ 3 Gods That Died And Resurrected Like Jesus Christ

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