From Swaziland To Eswatini, See Other Nine Countries That Changed Their Names And Why

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1. The name Holland was changed to the Netherlands.

The two northern and southern countries decided to unite and form a new entity known as the Netherlands. North-Holland and South Holland were the names given to the two countries at first. This was a step aimed at bolstering the economy.

2. Ceylon’s name was changed to Sri Lanka.

When the country declared independence from the British in 1948, it opted to alter its name to Sri Lanka. The modifications, however, were fully implemented in 2011, and everything had to be altered, including the country’s currency and everything that had the previous name.

3. The name of the Republic of Macedonia was changed to the Republic of North Macedonia.

The modifications were fully implemented in 2019, making it one of the most recent countries to change its name. It was done to set themselves apart from their Greek neighbors, who also had a Macedonian section in their country. The name change would also allow them to join NATO and become a member of the alliance.

4. The Czech Republic was renamed Czechia.

For the Czechs, it was because their first name was extremely difficult and lengthy to say, especially among foreigners. They chose to alter the name in 2016 to toke it shorter, and it took them 20 years to do so.

5. Swaziland’s name was changed to Eswatini.

Because Swaziland is governed by a monarchy, the King in charge has unlimited power. The king chose to alter the country’s name to Eswatini to make it more African. It was done for the same reason as before, to avoid confusion between Swaziland and Switzerland.

6. The country of Upper Volta was renamed, Burkina Faso.

The change took place in 1984, as part of the country’s 20th-anniversary celebrations. Burkina Faso became the new name.

7. Burma’s name was changed to Myanmar.

The decision to change the name was made in 1989. Even though many people still refer to the country by its previous name, it was renamed.

8. The name Siam was changed to Thailand.

The king who was ruling at the time changed the country’s name to Thailand in 1939.

9. The German southwest Africa was renamed Namibia.

During Namibia’s independence in 1990, the country was given a new name. They made many modifications after gaining independence, including renaming some of the cities that had been named by their colonists.

10. The Irish Free State was renamed Ireland.

Ireland’s name was altered because the people wanted it to be shorter…See More

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