I Am Playing A Dangerous Game With Another Man’s Wife

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I moved to Kumasi over the past year because of work. I was new to the city and probably lonely. I am not talking about the kind of loneliness where you feel alone and eventually get over it. I am talking about the kind that leaves you in a constant state of restlessness. This was something I felt like a resounding echo in my soul.

I tried to make new friends and get aquatinted with the place but it didn’t help. What I craved was connection. It was the life I left behind that created this hollowness in my heart. I missed it all; my family, friends, and all the social groups I was part of. I knew I had to find a way to adapt so I tried to do just that.

While I was trying to find my feet I chanced upon the Facebook profile of one of my SHS classmates. We were very good friends back in school so I was excited to see her doing so well in life. What made it better was that she lives in Kumasi. I quickly sent a message to her inbox and we started talking.

Just as I was happy to reconnect with her, she was also happy that I reached out to her. “So how is life treating you these days?” I asked her. “Being a pastor’s wife is not all the glory the world sees, but I like to believe that I am doing the best I can with everything I have been given.” She stated.

Her response got me worried. This is someone who posts photos of herself and her well-known husband who is a pastor, with their beautiful children. Judging from the kind of posts she makes about living a highly favoured life, you could easily assume that Allison is the happiest woman on earth. So out of curiosity, I asked, “What do you mean by your message? Is everything going on well with your family?” She just responded, “Hmm, I don’t want to get into it.” This only heightened my fears so I pressed her to talk to me.

Honestly, I am fine. My kids are doing well too. My husband is also in good health so I don’t want to complain,” she said. “But?” I asked. “But I am not happy. I smile in all my photos but I can boldly say that no one on this earth is lonelier than I am.” When she said that I felt it in my spirit. “I am lonely too,” I told her, “so I understand your pain.

We talked more as the days went by. We texted on Facebook and made phone calls when the conversations got serious. I became her confidant just as she was my confidant. We were each other’s lighthouse in a dark sea of loneliness. I felt connected to her in a way that alleviated my sadness. It was such a relief for both of us to find kindred spirits in each other…..S££ MOR£

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