See 3 Things That Russia Has Access To That It Uses to Control The World

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1. The five hundred-ton floating spacecraft, known as the International Space Station (ISS), has been principally overseen by Russia and the United States since its inception 25 years ago. In a recent statement, Dmitry Rogozin, the president of Russia’s space agency (Roscosmos), warned that the ISS may suffer significantly as a result of the embargo being placed on Russia.

He further boasts that the International Space Station may crash out of orbit if the US prevented the collaboration since it is kept at a safe altitude by a methodical shove from a Russian cargo vessel that is attached to the International Space Station.

2. The nation is stocked with hundreds of nuclear warheads, a lethal weapon of mass destruction. Although the USA is actively monitoring it, Russia just launched a supersonic missile that was undetectable by defense systems. This is why the nation continued to be despised by many other nations. In the twenty-first century, nuclear weapons control is very important.

3. Massive natural gas reserves: It also serves as Europe’s primary energy source. No exportation of this product by the nation can result in an inadequate supply of energy in the area. The cost of the goods may increase on the global market as well…..Sée Moré

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