How I Lost My Leg To Accident On My Way To See My New Baby – Nigerian Man (Photo)

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The man narrated that he lost his leg while on his way to see his new born baby.

A Nigerian man has shared the touching story how he lost his leg.

The story was shared by Realmz on Facebook.

The man narrated that he lost his leg while on his way to see his new born baby.

The story read:

“I was at work that very faithful day when i got the news that, My wife had just given birth, this was my first child, you can imagine how excited i was. Everyone at work was happy for me & we all celebrated. I immidiately took permission from my boss to go see my son & the mom at the hospital, he told me it was ok & even gave me some cash to buy something for my wife & the baby.

I stood at the roadside waiting for a taxi, it took me about 12 mins to get one. 5 people were inside including the driver, i had already called my wife & informed her, i was on my way, i noticed that the driver was on high speed. I asked him severally to slow down but he kept ignoring, it was the third time that he finally responded angrily, saying that he has been driving for more than 13yrs & that i shouldn’t teach him his job.

I seemed to be the only one complaining, as i noticed the other passengers were all quiet about it so, i decided to let go & stay mute as well. It was after about 10 mins of driving when, it all happened. The driver was trying to over take a heavy truck. After that, i only saw myself at the hospital after about 12hrs & i was told that, i was the only person in the vehicle that survived the accdnt & thats how i got to this stage of having just One leg

Well, i thank God for life, though ,i cry at times especially when i come across my old pictures. I remember, how i used to walk on both legs, but it’s ok now i believe God has a reason for every circumstance in our lives. He saved me for a reason & I’m thankful” Now See More

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