A lot of people have been befuddled about a certain city in Brazil which has an Igbo, a typical Igbo name. Some people have tried to unravel the mystery or history behind the name or how the city got its name.
It is not quite obfuscating that a certain city in an American country could have an African (Igbo) name because no one could tell exactly everything that happened during the Trans-atlantic slave trade during which several thousands of African slaves were adopted and transported to America.
Umuarama is a city in the State of Parana in Brazil. It is a beautiful city in Brazil. Considering the name “Umuarama”, there might be a connection with the Igbo ethnic group of Nigeria. This is because every Igbo man or woman would interpret the name “Umuarama” as “descendants of Arama”. The word “Arama” could be a reverse of “Amara” which means “grace” or “abundant free will”.
See the photos of the beautiful city of Umuarama in the State of Parana in Brazil.
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