See What Happened The Day Sen. Abraham Adesanya Confronted Abacha’s Killer Squad

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In the late 1990s, Nigeria was under the rule of military, General Sani Abacha. Abacha’s government was very harsh and did not tolerate any opposition. People who spoke against him were often arrested or even killed. One of the brave men who stood up against Abacha was Senator Abraham Adesanya, a leader in the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO). This group wanted democracy and freedom for Nigeria.

On January 14, 1997, Adesanya had a very close brush with death. It was a day that showed his bravery and the dangerous times in Nigeria. That morning, as Adesanya was being driven home to Apapa, Lagos, a group of armed men stopped his car at Anthony Village, a busy intersection. These men were part of Abacha’s killer squad, a group that was sent to get rid of people who opposed the government.

The armed men started shooting at Adesanya’s car. Bullets hit the vehicle, and it was clear they wanted to kill him. Miraculously, Adesanya was not hurt. People often say it was a mix of luck and the fact that the assassins were not very good at shooting. Despite being shaken by the attack, Adesanya remained calm and composed.

This attempt on his life showed just how dangerous it was to fight for democracy in Nigeria at that time. Instead of being scared, Adesanya became even more determined to continue his fight against Abacha’s oppressive rule. The incident also caught the attention of the international community, bringing more pressure on Abacha to stop his violent ways.

After this attack, Adesanya and his group, NADECO, did not give up. They kept pushing for democracy and freedom, inspiring many Nigerians to join the cause. Their efforts, along with those of many other brave activists, eventually led to the end of military rule in Nigeria. In 1998, Abacha died suddenly, and the path was cleared for Nigeria to return to civilian government in 1999……Sée Àll

See The Leaked Video Of Gen. Diya Crying And Begging Late General Sani Abacha

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