See Why Odemo Of Isara’s Salary Was Cut To A Penny A Year

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The salary of the Odemo of Isara, a traditional Nigerian king, was cut to just a penny a year because people believed he was helping the British colonial rulers too much. During this time, the British controlled Nigeria, and they often used local kings to keep control over the people.

Many Nigerians were unhappy with the British rule because it made their lives hard. They had to pay high taxes and follow unfair rules. Some local kings, including the Odemo of Isara, were seen as siding with the British instead of helping their own people.

The British decided to cut the Odemo’s salary to show they were unhappy with him. They thought he wasn’t doing a good job of keeping the people under control. This pay cut was also meant to make the people feel better, showing that the British were listening to their complaints, even though it was mostly just a gesture.

1. By reducing his pay to almost nothing, the British wanted to:

2. Punish the Odemo for not keeping the peace.

3. Show they were in charge and could control the local kings.

4. Try to calm the people down by taking action against a leader they didn’t trust…….Sée Àll

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