A dowry is a payment, such as property or money, paid by the bride’s family to the groom or his family at the time of marriage. Dowry contrasts with the related concepts of bride price and dower. While bride price or bride service is a payment by the groom, or his family, to the bride, or her family, dowry is the wealth transferred from the bride, or her family, to the groom, or his family. Similarly, dower is the property settled on the bride herself, by the groom at the time of marriage, and which remains under her ownership and control.
Dowry is an ancient custom that is already mentioned in some of the earliest writings, and its existence may well predate records of it. Dowries continue to be expected and demanded as a condition to accept a marriage proposal in some parts of the world, mainly in parts of Asia.
When two people get married, they combine to become one. They discussed all of the customs and laws that were observed in their culture and agreed to abide by them. It is also unusual to see a marriage between two people of the same gender, though it does happen, due to cultural criticism.
The phrase “dowries” describes two distinct types of gifts. The bride’s family receives a “dowry” from the groom or his family as a token of appreciation for their daughter getting married to the bride’s family. In some societies, primarily in Asia and Australia, as well as in a few isolated communities in Africa, women do pay the groom price (dowry) of the males they wish to marry, although not in all of them.
In many countries, wives must pay their husbands’ dowries before they can wed them. We’ll examine some of these nations to learn why these cultures are accepted, even if it might seem weird for people from different cultures to do so.
The three nations in the world where women must pay dowries before they can wed their husbands are listed below:
1. India
Dowry is often linked to gender inequality and the perception of women as a financial burden on their families.
Families may offer a dowry to secure a suitable groom for their daughter and ensure her marital happiness and security.
Social and cultural norms play a significant role in perpetuating the practice of dowry.
Over the years, they have handed it down to their own children. When a woman is prepared to wed her fiancé, her parents could ask for a cow or a small car as a dowry.
2. Nepal
Because it is seen as a crucial component of their marriage’s success, the bride is required to pay the groom’s cost. It also makes the wife’s personality more compatible with her husband’s.
3. Sri Lanka
Things in Sri Lanka don’t always stay the same. In certain cultures, a woman tells her parents about her plans to be married when she meets a potential mate. As soon as they come to an agreement and choose a wedding date, the parents of the bride send a dowry to the family of the groom…..S££ MOR£
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