I Really Believed That He Was Going To Help Clean Up The Country, But At The End Of The Day, There Was No Will – Okoi Obono-obla

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Based on the report from The Sun Okoi Obono-Obla, the suspended Chairman of the Special Presidential Investigation Panel for the Recovery of Public Property (SPIP), has expressed profound disappointment in former President Muhammadu Buhari’s failure to live up to his promise of cleaning up Nigeria’s political and economic system. Obono-Obla, who was once a staunch supporter of Buhari, citing the former president’s reputation for honesty and commitment to eradicating corruption, now finds himself disillusioned by the lack of political will to implement necessary reforms.

Recalling Buhari’s early years in power, Obono-Obla acknowledged the positive steps taken to curb corruption and restore integrity to the system, which initially inspired his decision to join Buhari’s political camp. “When I was growing up, I think my first year in the university that he took over power, he did a lot to clean up the country, and because of that record, that reputation, when he came into politics, I joined his (Buhari) political camp,” Obono-Obla stated.

However, Obono-Obla’s enthusiasm and faith in Buhari’s ability to transform Nigeria’s political landscape gradually waned as the realities of governance unfolded. Despite the initial promise, Obono-Obla lamented that Buhari ultimately lacked the “will” to fully implement the reforms necessary to cleanse the country’s political and economic systems of corruption and mismanagement.

In a statement, Obono-Obla said, “I really believed that he was going to help clean up the country, but at the end of the day, there was no will.”

Obono-Obla’s disillusionment with Buhari’s administration resonates with the sentiments of many Nigerians who had placed their hopes in the former president’s pledges of reform and change……Sée Móré

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