Reasons Why Liberia Was Not Colonized By Europeans

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Liberia is a West African country bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire. The Liberia National Museum, with displays on national culture and history, is located on the Atlantic coast in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital city. Liberia is a West African country bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire. The Liberia National Museum, with displays on national culture and history, is located on the Atlantic coast in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital city.

During the nineteenth century, the West Powers colonized the majority of African countries. The African continent was divided among powerful European countries such as Italy, America, the United Kingdom, and France, among others. Liberia and Ethiopia, our neighbors, are the only countries in Africa that have not been colonized. While the other powers were busy colonizing other nations, Italy was unable to capture Ethiopia.

Haile Selassie

Prior to World War II, the dictator of Italy briefly seized the country, but we were repelled. In addition to sending military experts to aid Haile Selassie in maintaining internal security and upgrading the Ethiopian army, Britain also sent civil advisors to help with administrative tasks.

Liberia’s flag

Russia, the United States, and other countries throughout the world have lent their support to Haile. On March 1, 1896, the Ethiopian army defeated the Italians in “The Battle of Adwa,” one of Africa’s most famous battles.

Liberia, on the other hand, obtained independence after the US reluctantly accepted Liberian sovereignty. The first African Democratic Republic was established in this West African country. Liberia’s first president, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, was elected in 1848, following the passage of the country’s constitution, which was modeled after the United States Constitution. The United States government refused the American Colonization Society’s proposal for a colony or a legal protectorate over Liberia after receiving pleas from the ACS.

Other published evidence from various credible sources states that Liberia was not colonized because the United States of America sponsored a declaration to abolish the slave trade in the region. Liberia became a free state after that, and all of the slaves who had served their term or been released by their masters were transported there…S££ More••

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