Popular Yoruba movie actor Kehinde Adams, also known as Lege Miami, has revealed some of the things that happened between him and actress Eniola Badmus that led to her disagreement, while also stating some of the things that the actress said to him that got him angry.
In a video that was posted on the official Instagram page of PulseNigeria247 during an interview with former Big Brother Naija reality TV show contestant Uriel, he disclosed that Eniola Badmus told him on his live video that she needs a boyfriend but later accused him of exposing her identity.
In his statement, he said, “I’m still quarreling with Eniola Badmus, and the matter has not been settled, and if I’m going to forgive her, she should be the one to call me and ask for forgiveness.
“I have two sessions for my match-making live videos, and I will hide people’s identities if they want me to do it, but she did not ask me to hide her identity.
“Eniola Badmus told me on my live video that she needed a boyfriend, but she later said I exposed her…..Víēw Móré
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