Meet Emotan The Market Woman Who Saved A Benin King From Being Murdered

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Emotan was a brave woman who lived in Benin City a long time ago, during the 15th century. She sold goods at the Oba Market and became famous for helping save the life of a future king, Oba Ewuare 1

At that time, Prince Ogun, who would later become Oba Ewuare I, was in danger. Many people wanted to kill him because there were big fights over who should be the next king. Emotan decided to help the prince. She gave him a safe place to hide near the market and warned him about plans to kill him.

Emotan’s help was very important. Thanks to her, Prince Ogun stayed safe and eventually became King Ewuare I. After he became king, he wanted to thank Emotan for saving his life. He had a statue made in her honor and placed it at the market where she used to sell her goods. The first statue was made of mud, but later it was replaced with a bronze one.

The statue of Emotan still stands today in Benin City. It reminds everyone of her courage and kindness. Emotan is remembered as a hero who protected the future king and helped bring peace to the kingdom. Her story shows how one person’s bravery can change history and highlights the important roles women have played in Benin’s past.

Emotan’s legacy lives on, and she is celebrated for her dedication to her community and her fearless actions. She is a symbol of strength and loyalty in Benin’s history….DISC∅V£R M∅R£

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