5 Things Men Always Say When You Catch Them Red-handed Cheating

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When men get caught cheating, they often say similar things to try to explain or excuse what they did. Here are five common things they might say:

1. “I didn’t do it.”

Sometimes, men will just straight-up deny that they were cheating, even if they were caught red-handed. They might say something like, “It wasn’t me,” or “You’re mistaken.” This is a way for them to try to avoid getting in trouble or facing the consequences of their actions.

2. “It didn’t mean anything.”

If they can’t deny that they were cheating, some men will try to downplay it by saying that it wasn’t a big deal. They might say, “It was just a mistake,” or “It didn’t mean anything to me.” They hope that by saying this, their partner will forgive them more easily.

3. “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

When caught cheating, many men will apologize and promise not to do it again. They might say, “I’m really sorry for hurting you,” or “I promise I’ll change.” They hope that by saying sorry, their partner will forgive them and give them another chance.

4. “You drove me to it.”

Some men try to shift the blame onto their partner by saying that they were driven to cheat because of something their partner did or didn’t do. They might say, “You weren’t paying enough attention to me,” or “You pushed me away.” This is a way for them to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

5. “It’s not as bad as you think.”

Finally, some men will try to make their cheating seem less serious by comparing it to other things or by saying that other people do it too. They might say, “It’s not like I cheated on you with someone I love,” or “Lots of people cheat, it’s no big deal.” They hope that by saying this, their partner will feel like their cheating isn’t as bad as it seems…..See More

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