Meet The Only School In East Africa Where Male Students Wear Skirts And Why

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The school is referred to as Nyakasura Secondary. It’s a high school in Uganda that accepts both day students and boarders. Since male students are normally forced to wear shorts and pants, the school stands out since it requires skirts for male students.

Only this specific East African school practices this. According to the school principal, the skirt-like attire is actually a kilt, a typical Scottish man’s costume. He revealed that the school was founded in 1926 by Scottish missionary Ernest William Calwell, who lived in the area during the colonial era.

When asked about their opinions, most students, particularly the male ones, say they have no problem wearing the kilts because they are accustomed to the tradition and have been thoroughly educated about the school’s history, which explains the whole story of wearing uniforms that resemble skirts alongside their female counterparts.………..See More

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