Meet Pastor John Who Has No Bank Account, No Wife And Kids (PHOTOS)

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Residents of Kisumu, particularly those in the Mamboleo area, have increased anxiety because of the Coptic Holy Ghost Church, which is pastored by controversial Father John Pesa.

The church, whose practices continue to perplex many, has been involved in disputes before. There are more than 100 rooms in the church, including offices, guest rooms, prayer rooms, and visiting rooms.

Pesa attends interreligious gatherings infrequently despite the fact that his church is among the most prestigious and well-known in the country.

People who live close to the Pesa church link it to unexplained accidents that happen at the Kanyakwar-Mamboleo Junction.

According to the standard, pastor pesa asserts that he is the least wealthy religious figure of his magnitude, lacking a bank account, any assets, a wife, kids, or a mobile money account. .

He is unsure of his actual date of birth, as is also typical….S££ MOR£

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