Checkout The ‘Mysterious Footprints’ in Kenya Which Allegedly Belong To God

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Kwale is a small town in and the capital of Kwale County, Kenya. It is located at around 4°10′28″S 39°27′37″E; 30 km southwest of Mombasa and 15 km inland. The town has an urban population of 10,063 (2019 census).It is next to the Shimba Hills National Reserve.

Kwale is the main town of the Digo and Duruma people. These people belong to the Mijikenda ethnic group of the former Coast Province of Kenya. Other tribes found in the county include the Kamba, Arabs, Indians and other minority tribes like the Makonde, Vumba (Zimba), Degere & Segeju, though most of them have been assimilated by either the Digo or Duruma.

For centuries, residents of a village in Kwale County have lived believing God visited and left behind his footprints.

A small village in Kwale County claims to have a partial answer-God visited and left behind his footprints on a rock. Lwayo LwaMulungu, which translates to the footprint of God is located 5 Kilometeres from Lunga Lunga town. There are two footprints are each 18 inches long.

Many tourists have traveled great distances to catch a sight of what are believed to be the footprints of a god who once visited this region.

Some residents believe the marks are footprints of an angel which visited the village on horseback while others believe they are footprints of a deity.

However, they all appear to be in agreement that whoever it was, a god or an angel, he was moving from the mainland to the coastline on a horse………..Fínd Out Móre

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