Over N80Million Moved From Andrew Ochekwo’s Account After He Was K!llǝ∂ — Harrison Reveals

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After Andrew Ochekwo was killed, over N80 million was taken from his bank account. This was revealed by Harrison Gwamnishu, a human rights activist.

Andrew Ochekwo was a businessman. After he died, Harrison started looking into what happened to him. During his investigation, Harrison found out that a lot of money had been moved out of Andrew’s bank account. The money transfers happened just a few days after Andrew died. This makes it seem like someone planned to steal the money as soon as they could.

This situation shows that there are problems with how banks handle the accounts of people who have died. Normally, when a bank finds out that a customer has died, they should freeze the account right away. This means that no one should be able to take money out until everything is sorted out legally. But in this case, that didn’t happen.

Harrison’s discovery has led many people to ask the police to look into who took the money and whether any bank workers helped them. It’s also a reminder for everyone to think about how to protect their money if something happens to them. Making a will or having joint bank accounts can help make sure that your money is safe………Sée Móre

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