See How The North Benefitted From Awolowo & Azikiwe Conflict 70 Years Ago

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In the 1950s and 1960s, Nigeria was preparing for independence from British rule. During this time, two key political leaders emerged in the southern part of Nigeria: Obafemi Awolowo and Nnamdi Azikiwe. Awolowo led the Action Group (AG) party, mainly supported by the Yoruba people in the Western Region. Azikiwe, on the other hand, led the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC), primarily supported by the Igbo people in the Eastern Region. Their rivalry and conflict indirectly benefited the Northern Region of Nigeria, which was dominated by the Northern People’s Congress (NPC) and led by Ahmadu Bello.

1. Distracted Southern Leaders.

The intense rivalry between Awolowo and Azikiwe meant that they were often focused on competing against each other instead of forming a united front against the NPC. This distraction allowed the Northern leaders to consolidate their power and influence without facing a strong, united opposition from the South.

2. Political Alliances.

The NPC took advantage of the southern leaders’ conflict by forming strategic alliances. For example, during the 1959 federal elections, the NPC allied with the NCNC to form a coalition government. This alliance helped the NPC maintain political dominance while keeping the southern regions divided.

3. Federal Structure and Control.

The conflict between Awolowo and Azikiwe meant that the southern regions could not effectively challenge the structure and policies being implemented by the federal government, which was largely controlled by the NPC. This allowed the North to maintain a significant degree of control over the federal government and its resources.

4. Electoral Advantage

The NPC capitalized on the division between the AG and the NCNC during elections. The divided votes in the South made it easier for the NPC to win more seats and secure a stronger position in the federal government. This electoral advantage was crucial in ensuring the North’s continued dominance in Nigerian politics.

5. Economic and Social Policies.

With the South divided, the Northern leaders were able to push forward economic and social policies that favored their region. This included the allocation of federal resources and investments, which often benefited the Northern Region more than the Southern regions…….Sée Móre

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