Open Eye; All Invigilators Should See How Student Cheat During Exams

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All Invigilators Should See How Student Cheat During Exams

Examination malpractice is evil, as student you definitely should abstain from it. Read your books to pass your exams. Don’t depend on cheating before excelling in your exams.

There are different types of examination malpractice. Some of such includes, lying, cheating, plagiarism, sabotage and fabrication.

But in this article, we’ll be looking at how students cheat during exams — cheating.

Some students cheat with various means. Examination invigilators and supervisors should take note of these measures students use to cheat during exams.

Students in all level cheat, from primary to tertiary level. Some students just cannot do without cheating in the exam hall. They prefer to take their time in scribbling words on their laps, palms and in pieces of papers than to read.

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