What Did Jesus Mean When He Said You Shall Not Test Death

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Between the lines of the Holy Bible, there is a lot of hidden meaning. Many people don’t comprehend a certain verse in the Bible, which is why we always ask our pastors, religious leaders, and experts to explain it. However, the majority of the solutions to some Bible verses can be found in other Bible chapters or books.

That is why religious leaders always counsel people to thoroughly read the Bible before drawing conclusions. In this article, I will explain what Jesus meant when he said in Mathew Chapter 16, Verse 27: ‘Truly, I tell you, some of those who are standing here will not see death before seeing the son of man enter his Kingdom.’

Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the summit of a mountain after six days, when He was transfigured and revealed Himself to them. His clothes turned snow-white, and Elijah and Moses stood in front of him.

Before they returned to Jerusalem, this occurrence was meant to give them a taste of Christ’s Second Coming. Elijah represented the prophets, as well as those who are translated without having to face death; God the Father arrives in the form of a cloud and says: “Jesus is his name, and he is My beloved Son in whom I delight. Listen to what he says!”

The same event is described in Mark 9:1, although the Greek version is slightly different, making it easier to understand. He assured them, “There are those here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God present with authority.” On the hilltop, the disciples saw “the kingdom of God present with power…..See More,,

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