People Are Always Warned Not To Post Their Achievements, Look What Happened To This Guy ‘s New Car

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It has become a norm for people to share their success or achievements not because they are showing off but inspiring others that anything is possible if you work hard, unfortunately, this world is full of evil people or spirits that do not want to see others succeed.

On Sunday night a guy was involved in a horrible accident, it’s unfortunate because this is a new car and it is very expensive, the Twitter user goes by the name Luigi_SQ takes it to his account sharing with his followers that he crushed his new car beyond repair, and mention that he won’t be available on social media, surely he needs to take some time off and degust this horrible situation.

It is understandable why this guy wants to take some time off on social media, I mean like he bought this car two months ago. The very same time he bought the car, he took pictures from the dealership and posted them on social media, showing off his beautiful Mercedes. Now that he crushed the car beyond repair, I would definitely do the same thing and take some time off on all social media platforms.

Luigi_SQ also shared some screenshots of inbox or DM conversations between him and some of his followers wishing bad luck on his car, followers claiming and swearing that he should be involved in a car accident. One of the things that hurt him and wanted nothing to do with social media.

Another mistake Luigi_SQ made is revealing his number plate, he was even warned by one of his followers that he must hide his number plate, you don’t do that because you become an easy target for your car to get hijacked. People intend to hide their number plates when posting their cars in preventing them to not getting stolen easily.

@Ladymay: “Don’t know when are people going to learn to stop posting about their lives on social media. Good question you asked if he was drunk because we know ka long weekends some people get too excited.” She wrote.

@Nomxho: “But are you aware people who are jealous of you are people that you know in real life and actually have access to you not social media people , people who bewitches don’t need social media is the people you live with people who see you everyday.” She replied Ladymay.

@Naaskay: “damn he even pinned the post of his new car😩💔.” He wrote.

The post was received by many and they quickly jumped the comments section and shared their views.…..S££ MOR£

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