This tips may save you and your Money. But remember, 5 each day they come up with all these devices, so always be on the look out.
If the ATM looks like it has been tempered, chances are, it may have been tempered with, so rather you avoid it and move to another one.
Always take note of where you insert your card, if your card doesn’t slide in smoothly, to a point where you must force it, that is a sign.
In this type of ATM always watch out the slot where you insert your card is not overlapping.
While some things are easier to spot, we become victims because we do not familiarise ourselves with the ATM machine. This is something you cannot miss easily, if you know real Vs fake.
First frames; if your card goes in too deep, you may want to reconsider and pay in cash
Second frame; the speed point width and depth, pay attention to detail.
If the keyboard is too bouncy, or the numbers are not engraved Deep in the machine. Check if it doesn’t come off.
**Tip** Press the cancel button before inserting your card.
**Tips** Set a Daily limit to your ATM withdrawal and swapping…..Sée Móre
Íf You Mistakenly Transfer Money To A Wrong Account, Do Not Panic, Simply Do This
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