“I Can’t Marry Now Because The Ashãwo In Me Is On Another Level. I Like Knackîng Gîrls In The Hotęl More Than Marriagę – Flavour Says

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You have to be that person for yourself first and when you’re done with yourself, you can now start looking for a wife or husband. I’m not in that mental space to accommodate a wife right now. If I tell myself that I’m looking for a wife now, I will faîl.

Any girl that is gonna come my way, I’ll dîsappoint her, my charãcter will dęal with her and it will not work out. My charãcter is not faîr to the women that’s why I try as much as possible to remaîn sîngle.

The wôrst thing you can do is to tręat a woman bãdly and I don’t want to do that. When I look at the hotęl and I look at the beautiful marriages, I really like it but I like the hotęl more because the ashãwo in me is on another level. The society will say I’m already old and why can’t I get married? It’s about why can’t you? But it’s about can you? There’s no need to mãrry somebody’s daughter when I know that I will still be carrying my ashãwos.” Flavour

You can’t expęct a handsome looking man with 6 packs whom gîrls used to rejęct when he was brôke to just get married like that! NO! It’s not possible……..Séé Móré

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