African Ruler Who Biologically Fathered Over 1000 Children

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Depending on who you ask, you can hear that it’s a myth or that it’s the truth. The controversy has apparently been settled now that science has revealed that Moroccan Sultan Moulay Ismail was the biological father of over a thousand children.

The time it takes to produce 1,171 children over the course of 32 years has been simulated by scientists and anthropologists at the University of Vienna, according to a story by Live Science.

Summarized Background

From 1672 until his death in 1727, Sultan of Morocco Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif was the second monarch of the Alaouite dynasty. Approximately 1645 saw his birth in Sijilmassa, and 22 March 1727 saw his death there. From 1667 until his half-brother Sultan Moulay Rashid’s death in 1672, this seventh son of Moulay Sharif ruled as administrator of Fez and northern Morocco. After being proclaimed sultan at Fez, he struggled for several years with his nephew Moulay Ahmed ben Mehrez, who also wanted to be sultan, until the latter’s death in 1687. The reign of Moulay Ismail, Sultan of Morocco, was the longest in history at 55 years.

What methods were used to demonstrate the theory

French diplomat Dominique Busnot was a key figure in developing the concept of “theory of parenthood.” According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Moroccan sultan fathered an astounding 880 offspring.

On the other hand, many of Sultan Moulay Ismail’s offspring have been documented throughout history.

It was calculated that if “The Bloodthirsty” king had s£x between 0.83 and 1.43 times each day for 32 years, or once per day until he turned 56 years old, he could be the biological father of 1, 171 children.

Where are you going to find enough women to look after that many kids? Make haste! While it was previously believed that the Sultan had four wives and 500 concubines, the inquiry found that only 65 to 110 women were needed to give birth to approximately 1,000 offspring.

The once-accepted “myth” has been questioned due to new information regarding female infertility and the quality of sperm that can fertilise eggs. On the other hand, multiple reproductive research have supposedly established his paternity and put an end to any doubts.

According to Live Science, from 1672 until 1727, Morocco was controlled by Sultan Moulay Ismail, a Sharifian descendant of the Prophet Muhammad…..S££ MOR£

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